
  • 18025951144
  • QQ945348839




Rest Assured

It has been 15 years since our company was founded , and we’ve dedicated ourselves to producing more innovative and competitive products. It’s that simple.

While we believe in innovation, and have certainly applyed the newest technologies to our products, we also believe that the best products in the world are still the ones that by using only the finest materials. The result is a product of superior support, convenience and quality that delivers a better product.

Our dedication, talent and commitment to quality have grown our company into an reliable corporation with a worldwide presence. Despite our rapid growth, we never forget our principle, and the values that have led to  success. That’s why when you purchase QILIN product – whether it's a pocket spring machine, assembling machine or coiling machine etc– you can rest assured that you possess one of the world’s finest mattress machinery products.

Through all our success, we have maintained our unwavering commitment to producing quality mattress machinery. “Our concept of making quality mattress machinery that represent a better value to the consumer is foremost in our minds when we design new products for today’s marketplace. It’s that quality and value combination that makes us keep making progress in the world.

It's more than a mattress machinery – It's your competitiveness.
Whether you are a mattress manufacturer, soft bed furniture industry or a sofa cushion factory, nothing is more critical than guest experience to become more competitive. At QILIN, we have devote our mind to create the mattress machinery that will meet our customers’  both needs and budget.

As an independent group of machinery manufacturer with production base around China, QILIN has the flexibility and the capacity to service the entire mattress industry, We also service furniture industry, such as the sofa cushion , soft bed and so on. With our abundant experience and resources, we’re well positioned to develop machine that delivers innovation and support along with reliability, quality and value for our guests.

Innovation Design

In the way of brainstorm, that is, by mixing and matching different ideas with our engineers , we succeed in making our products be more closed to the modern style and technology development.


Mostly, many customers are laying stress on accessories instead of the machine technical parameters, but we still adhere faithfully to use the best-quality accessories– the good accessories can make machine greater in usage and easier in care. In commercial applications, cheaper accessories seem to be a normal good way to get a cheaper price ,but as for those who have quality standard, that’s not always the best choice. QILIN machine have high quality and attractive price.



Because of our full-fledged and advanced technology, there is not so strict requirement for the wires types, which means that it can fits many kinds of wires.

Finished products

Our machines can produce different sizes of the innerspring units to support the various customers’ requirement, as well as special sizes such as mini pocket spring unit, unit-spring assemble for mattress manufacturer etc.

For our middle and high-end market customers, we highly recommend the high speed pocket spring machine and assemblely machine. By using the pocket spring machine and assembly of blocks of independent springs can improve the mattress' quality and efficiency.



We have already achieved serveral national patents and passed the CE certification and ISO9001:2008.